At Ag & Civil Solutions, we understand that purchasing equipment can be a significant investment, especially if you only need it temporarily or occasionally. That’s why hiring from us makes great business sense. We handle all the running costs, including servicing, maintenance, upgrades, and compliance. All you need to do is get in the driver’s seat and get the job done.

Our team is dedicated to transparent communication and fair service, ensuring we meet and exceed your requirements. Our commitment to outstanding customer service means you receive the latest equipment in excellent working order, delivered to your site at competitive rates.

We offer a complete range of equipment, including tractors, slashers, mulchers, mini loaders, loaders, excavators, and attachments. Our cross-hire capabilities ensure that no matter the scope of your project, we have the resources to support you without any hassle.

At Ag & Civil Solutions, we strive to make your plant hire experience as accessible, affordable, and seamless as possible. We source our equipment from reputable brands such as Kubota, Caterpillar, and Woods, ensuring quality and reliability. Additionally, we use only genuine filters, oils, and replacement parts to maintain our equipment to the highest standards.

Contact us today to discuss how we can support your next project!

reputable brands
quality and reliability

We use only genuine filters, oils, and replacement parts to maintain our equipment to the highest standards.

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